WHAT IS ThetaHealing?
ThetaHealing is an energetic healing technique that identifies and releases the beliefs and patterns that keep you from being happy.
Through this simple tool that is the brain wave Theta the therapist connects and connects you also to the ultimate plan, to the Creator of All That Is. Here everything is possible, you can heal, forgive, balance yourself, living in an abundant, healthy and complete way.
There is an increasing scientific evidence that our negative beliefs and emotions generate physical, mental and emotional illnesses and prevent us from achieving what brings us happiness and abundance.
This technique is already used in over 40 countries and over 500,000 people who have transformed their lives through ThetaHealing.
At a ThetaHealing session, you can address emotional, mental, and physical issues such as: relationship problems, health issues, insecurities, pain, resentments, trauma, fears, blockages, addictions, or any other situation that needs to change in your life.
ThetaHealing® is one of the fastest healing techniques available. A ThetaHealing session works as follows:
- A conversation in which the client explains to the therapist what he wants to work on.
- With muscle tests the client's blockages and beliefs are confirmed and that is where the work begins.
- Always with the client's permission, the therapist connects to the "Theta" frequency and clears all the blockages and/or limiting beliefs of his system. They are then replaced by programs appropriate to each person and according to their wishes. With these new programs the person will be able to have a life as he/she always dreamed, a new reality prosper and happy.
How many sessions are needed?
For each situation there are a specific number of sessions. Sometimes customers solve some issues with just one session while to solve a single more complex issue may require several sessions.
"I have to share with you the change in sensations that I actually felt. The joy, will, determination and above all the feeling of "getting" to see first the positive part of the day. I feel very grateful to have met you and above all the way you have helped me to achieve balance".